Top Tips for Coping with Breakup Stress

The stress of separation can sometimes feel overwhelming.  Like it or not, there may come a time that you simply can’t go on being with the person next to you. Whether it’s a high school romance,  live together partnership,  or a divorce with children, the stress that comes from facing life freshly single can seem daunting. Here are some tips to provide support for dealing with the stress of a separation: 

Find an Artistic Hobby 

This is without a doubt an excellent way to relieve the anxiety that comes with breakups. Find something that matches your interests and maintains your attention. Break out the art supplies, grab your knitting needles, get out your journal, your camera...whatever artistic hobby that inspires you. This is going to help you get your mind off things so you can recover your sense of self after a breakup. 

Start Going Out With Friends 

Being in a  relationship can mean that you’ve lost touch with some of your friends. Get back together  with those friends and start doing the things that you used to prior to your relationship. This is one of the best coping strategies to deal with the stress of a breakup: keep yourself socially connected.  As tempting as it is to isolate yourself, resist that urge and spend time with friends. Remember, just because one relationship in your life might not be what you wished, you can still have satisfying relationships with friends.     

Devote Yourself to Work 

Yes, really.  When it seems like an important relationship has been unsatisfying, spend some time on your career.  Focus more on your work to regain a sense of accomplishment and self respect.  This is a great tip to help you get through relationship stress because it helps you focus on situations and people other than your ex.  

Spend Time on Yourself 

Are there things that you’ve longed to do but you couldn’t?  Did you and your ex perhaps have different interests?  If so, now is the time to invest in yourself and explore the activities you love. This is a great strategy to get over a relationship: avoid rumination and instead put your imagination to more effective uses.    Like figuring out how to paddleboard.  

Take Up Sports 

Speaking of paddleboarding, taking on a sport is another great suggestion for coping with breakup stress. You may even find you discover a passion more powerful than what you felt for your partner!  Not only does learning a new sport occupy your mind, but movement releases endorphins to help reduce feelings of anxiety. Be it Qiqong, Lawn Bowling, Archery, Golf, Table Tennis...learning and getting active are excellent ways to move on after a relationship ends.   

These are just few ideas for coping with relationship stress.  You can decide for yourself which ones are the most effective tools that will help you reconnect with yourself and move on successfully after a breakup.    You can do it!